About Nest Cornwall CIC

(Nurturing Education for the Soul Together)

It is an honour to hold space for the children at Nest Cornwall and witness their creativity and curiosity in a natural and nurturing setting.

Having worked in various mainstream schools in the UK and New Zealand, I noticed how the school environment didn’t suit every child. Back in 2019, during the Covid-19 pandemic, I became a home educating parent and decided to act on my vision for a holistic learning setting for children in our locality.

Our age range is based on the Montessori elementary phase which means we can accommodate children aged between 6-12 years. Seeing an older child take care of a younger child during our sessions gives me warm fuzzies. The mixed age group setting is more diverse and akin to adult life than a mainstream school where peers are the same age.

A small group size with an adult child ratio of 1:8 feels nurturing and being on first name terms with our children and their families feels more like we are part of their village, working together as equals.

I look forward to seeing how we will all grow together at Nest Cornwall and will endeavour to welcome any new members with kindness and warmth. If you are interested in joining our learning community, please fill out the registration form on the Join Us page.

Here’s to being the change you would like to see in the world.

Lucie Hill,

Founder of Nest Cornwall CIC

Opening Times & Location


Chyan Cultural Centre, Halvasso, TR10 9BT (spring/summer venue)

The Tolmen Centre, Constantine (autumn/winter venue)

Opening Times

Mondays, Thursdays & Fridays (term time only)
10.30am - 2.30pm

Cost £30 per child

